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Immersed in the heart of the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park stands the AgriRelais San Giovanni, overlooking Lake Capodacqua and the Tirino valley in the municipality of Capestrano, famous for the "Warrior of Capestrano", icon and symbol of Abruzzo and for the Saint and Patron Saint Giovanni da Capestrano.

The farmhouse enjoys an enviable position for the view and the tranquility between nature and relaxation, ideal for those who want to fully experience nature between mountains and hills. The AgriRelais takes its name from San Giovanni da Capestrano, a man of prayer and action, preacher, apostle, missionary, reformer, writer, theologian and jurist; the popularity of Brother Giovanni da Capestrano, widespread throughout Europe, made him famous in life and even more illustrious in death.

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The Agriturismo was born from the agricultural tradition of the Castagna family, from the passion for the territory and for their country. The Tirino valley was called Valle Tritana where the Tirino river flowed (among the clearest and cleanest in Europe), called Tirinum flumen since Roman times, for originating from three sources (Capodacqua, Lago and Presciano). The valley is characterized by numerous archaeological finds found in the necropolises, including the famous statue of the "Warrior of Capestrano", dating back to the end of the 6th century BC. in the Etruscan era, the most important of the Italic civilizations. The Capestrano Castle, with its medieval charm, dominates the ancient village of Capestrano, a characteristic historical centre, built on the remains of a medieval fortification, of which the prismatic tower remains. Noble families such as the Acquaviva, the Celano, the Piccolomini (to whom the name in use is linked) and the Medici, to whom the castle belonged until the abolition of feudalism, have resided there. Equally important and imposing is the Convent of San Francesco also known as the Convent of San Giovanni, built in 1447, in homage to its founder, Patron Saint of military chaplains in the world. In the defined land of "Saints and Warriors", Giovanni da Capestrano represents the best synthesis of both categories.

AgriRelais San Giovanni  Capestrano località Capodacqua (AQ)  cell: +39 375 6366828 / +39 327 5631914  e-mail:

C.F.: CSTVNN84P21G482R P.IVA: 01828590669

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